Saturday, November 15, 2008

Season Finale in the OBX!

The big race of the year was finally here. I got back from Oklahoma on Wednesday night, Rose and I worked on Thursday and we got on the road at 4pm Thursday afternoon. We hoped to get as far a possible, maybe even drive through. The kids were in good moods and we were making good time considering we expected it to be a 15 hour drive. However as night fell, it became clear that there was no need to to push things too far. I mean, what was the point of getting to North Carolina at 5am we were going to have to sleep all day..... little did we know! We stopped at the Best Western at 11pm in Morgantown, WV. The next morning we woke at 6, had all the mountaineers starring at us during the lovely continental breakfast and then pushed off at 7:00... Should hit the Outer Banks by 2 or so... plenty of time to get my number and relax before we ate an early Thanksgiving day dinner, that my mom was making.
First hour of the drive was not too bad, alittle fog, but not knowing my geography or the directions the Magellan was taking us, we were in Maryland ( a coastal state, yeah!) Our elation was shortly lived as Maggie got sick for the first time! This was going to become a haul... I frankly was not sure that all family members would be accounted for by the end... and Monica, as Rose calls the GPS took us via the Washington Beltway... not the place to be on a Friday afternoon. Between sickness, sucky directions and just 4 people making each other nuts, the second leg of the trip took 10 hours. Making it 25 hours of elapsed travel time to get to NC. The one thing I kept thinking was that the ride maybe tougher than the Marathon.
We pulled into my sister's house, who was kind enough to let us use it for the weekend... (we have been lucky this year having two houses donated for marathon season) We got our bags inside, cleaned up and sat down to Thanksgiving.. Jake was very happy to finally have meat! (yet had many questions on exactly were the meat came from and what a turkey actually was).

The next morning we woke up and got ready to get Jake down for his Fun Run. Dad and I ran along with him. He was pumped to get his medal and to run on the track! He did real well to run 1.2 miles in under 15 minutes. He wisely took some walk breaks in the first half. Then ran just about the whole second half... I asked him if he wanted to take a quick walk break before the homestretch, but he said; Dad, were almost there!" He sprinted to the finish... and I am sure he took first out of four year old, however there were no official records!

Maggie was just happy to be with her pirate friends!

After the run, we headed back to the house, had leftover turkey sandwiches and watched Rutgers dismantle Syracuse. Rose had the kids at the beach, who decided to jump in... hence I headed over to drop off some new clothes and to pickup my race number. That night Mom made spaghetti and meatballs. I loaded up, got my stuff together and got to bed early for the 7:20am race start.
It was a dark morning, getting up a 5 am. I put on my pot of coffee and started to read some articles on the RU game. I had my bagel, a banana and my special sports drink mix of powerade and Red Bull.... I used to think it taste good... now after drinking it before and during long races... I think my body is starting to associate the taste with"this idiot is about to run way to far again; he's drinking this shit!" Needless to say its starting to taste bizarre and over the top sweet! Might need to think of something else.... beer perhaps... like a Stout!

I said goodbye to Rose and the kids and Dad gave me a ride down to the start. The OBX Marathon is a point to point race, meaning you start at one spot and end at another. If you have ever been to the Outer Banks, the start of the race is right after you the bridge you come in on and you run all the way down the island and hang a right to go over the sound to finish in Manteo. As we were driving up the island, in a car.... all I could think was -- this is a long way in car, its gonna be a real long as way on foot! We finally got near the start. Dad showed me this shack that he called Mom's house... literally it is like a tool shed and the woman wants $350K. Ahh to be near the ocean! Dad pulled over the car, got ready to say some words of wisdom, but stopped short and said " ahh, you done enough of these, you know what to do."

I guess so...One foot in front of the other, don't stop till you get there.... easy enough! I get to the starting area with about 10 minutes to the start of the race. Needing to use the restroom but with under 10 port-o-johns, port-o-loos, johnny on the spots, or what ever you may want to call a plastic outhouse... I decided to wait to get in the long line... wait till it thins out... kinda like playing Bathroom Chicken. I don't have to go real bad... but having to go alittle and not going can lead to big problems 3 hours later. The line thins out. I hop in and all of a sudden "Two minutes to the race start!" OK... might be close... literally 10 seconds later I hear.. "one minute to the race start... F*&^! So I hustle over to the start. the gun goes off and we get started. In retrospect, I really should have just waited.

1. Who am I kidding, its not like I'm going to win.

2. The race is "Chip Timed" so my race time will be from when I go across the start to when finish... so that could have been a 5 minute differential and the world would survive.

3. and by this being a "smaller race" getting right to the start, closer to the fast people, I probably got into a pace the first few miles, that did not need to be going as fast as I went out.

I really wanted to give this race my best effort and see what it got me. I set out on 8:24 minute mile pace, hoping to land one second under 3 hours 40 minutes... something about 39 looks better! First 3 miles...8:36, 8:25, 8:21. Right on, but all I can think about is having to use the loo and how all the people that are out "cheering" in front of their house, have the look of confederate soldiers getting ready to load a cannon. OK - that maybe unfair... there were some people cheering, it just seemed like these islanders had no idea what to make of 4,000 idiots running around, closing off their streets!
After mile 3 I saw Rose and Jake for the first time...Maggie staying at the house 19 miles away. (Good Idea) It was great to see them early on, however Jake was crying... After the debrief, he told me that he was crying because he wanted to give me a hug and kiss, but that he did not think he could enter onto the road, because it would be against the rules. (There was a Police Officer at the road block, and Jake has an ingrained fear of the 5-0) I think that's cause since he was two, if he ever got real bad, we used to threaten that the Police would come... nice parenting!
Miles were clicking off pretty easy, I started running with a couple guys from Virginia, they too where going for sub 3:40. We were pacing well as we headed by the Wright Brothers Monument, the sight of the first flight! I got pretty pumped up at the park, cause a lady spotted the "R" on my shirt and started chanting RU Rah Rah RU Rah Rah. Ever since I got that singlet, I swear it is worth 5 seconds a mile, just from the people either realizing its Rutgers, or just saying Go R... stupid, but stupid things work when you run that far!
I saw Jake and Rose at mile 8. Jake ran along with me for about 30 yards. That was a good boost, and I was feeling good for the next couple of miles, then we hit the woods! There are about 2 miles of the course that head off into a packed dirt road and then another mile of mulched trail, kinda like cross country ski paths. This is usually right up my alley... but when I am doing 12 minute mile pace... not 8:20. needless to say I was starting to get a little punchy, plus the bathroom need was starting to kick in again.... problem was... I wasn't finding any bathrooms! Eventually I got through the trail and hit an aid stop at the half way point right at about 1:50. Aid but no bathroom... at least none that I saw. Right on pace, only problem was that my mind was already telling my body that I did not have a snowball's chance of doing that again for the next 13.1 miles. So with that shot of negative energy, I was on the highway running south toward Manteo. Fun to think that this highway holds many great memories of places we've gone to on vacation, as a kid, riding my bike to the corner store to play a video game, driving with Scott Franke through a flood in a brand new Nissan, hoping it didn't stall so my ass wasn't kicked by my father... to going to Mako Mike's with Rose and Jake... his first OBX dining experience as a 6 month old. None of this fun crossed through my mind as I ran. It was sunny, which makes it feel hot, eventually the sweat stops and and the scratchiness of your salt dried on your body makes you feel like you are taking steps towards death... which you are, if you don't know when to stop!

So like I said it was getting hot, and I was losing salt and I was two hours in... good time to take one of the 4 S-Caps I was taking. Kinda like a Salt and electrolyte capsule, only problem, is I really needed to take it with water... which wasn't for another 3 miles.... I have never cursed so much in my mind as I did for that 25 minutes... to the point where I will write the Race Director to tell her they really need some F'ing water in that stretch of desert.... (it's right by these really large sand dunes, which in the wrong frame of mind makes it worse. Eventually the water stop came as did a large tree, which I lifted my leg on. Only half relief... If you know what I mean. So for the next 4 miles I was in a really pissed off dimension... and the mile splits started to show it... 9:27...9:33...9:47...Only good thing I can say about getting to mile 19 was that it was right at the golf hole that my sister's house is at. Rose Maggie and my Dad were there to greet me. Jake was over the whole race thing and was at the house with Grammy. Rose handed me my Earpod's for musical inspiration, Dad gave me my gels, and Maggie handed me that delicious combination of RedBull and Powerade. I hung out with them for a few minutes, shared how shitty the day was going. Gave them all a kiss and got going.

Maggie was a little sad to see me go, but Jake was waving from the back porch, then ran to the front to see me one more time.

Sure Shot - Beastie Boys

I really thought this song would give me more of a lift... but no... just more hot, pisst, or maybe it was the Red Bull.

Lose Yourself - Eminem

Too slow, but maybe a bit of a warm up to get me back into a rhythm. Out of the Golf Development and back to the highway.
Lets Get it Started - Black Eyed Peas

Corny, but it worked, about mile 21 started to feel a little better, and actually hit back to an 8:26 mile. In my head I knew that would hurt later, but shit I felt good, go with it.

Tubthumping - Chumbawamba

OK - this is real lame, but the "I get knocked down, but I get up again" song really felt good! I was passing people left and right.. just hopefully I wasn't singing out loud!
Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones

Maybe the best song of all time. Definitely in the top 5. The beat kicks on and I start bracing myself for the climb up the Washington Baum Bridge. 35 feet does not sound like a large incline, but when it comes in a quarter mile, its pretty goddamn steep. "Please to meet you, hope you guess my name"... I was definitely singing the "ohh whoo's" as the slope started to ascend. At the top of the hill is the 23 mile marker...10:21. Ouch, tough mile, so much for picking it up in the end!
I got over the bridge and was really thinking that it might feel good to get moving down. It did for a little while. Just as we got off the bridge and turned into the town of Manteo, I really started to feel thirsty, and they always tell you if you start to feel thirsty, its too late.

Fast Car - Wyclef Jean
It's those Jersey Boys...

There have been big head lines the last few years about Marathoners dying. I have wondered... do the people who die know they are at that point, or does it come as a shock. It was at this point in the race that I actually had the thought of "am I close to that point?" probably not, but you never know. Luckily there was a road construction crew blocking off traffic. They had a water jug in the back of the truck, and were happy to pour me a cup. I walked for about a minute just to collect myself, I was feeling pretty bad. Up ahead was the last water stop, I poured some over my head... if only I had thought of this sooner, but in November, sometimes you don't think you are going to get that hot! Within a few seconds I felt as about as refreshed as you can feel at mile 25.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Fitting, only a mile to go and I still have a shot at at least getting under 4 hours... thinking of how the day had gone this was about the best fall back goal I could come up with. I cocked my head and gave it what I had left.

With or With out You - U2 (Live in Milan)

I have had thoughts... and had this thought again at the end of the race... that when I die, and hopefully go to the place that's the best... The Edge will be there playing guitar! Something about how he plays.... seraphic! Anyway, I don't remember anything about the last half mile other than Bono yelling in my ear, seeing Maggie running towards me with 100 yard to go... getting across the line in 3:58 and then the stench of a flock of port-johns at the finishline... so here they are! (Fuckers) Right next to the post race food, delicious!

I met up with Rose, Dad and Maggie. As customary, Maggie got the finishers medal placed around here neck. They informed me that we had 2 miles to walk back to the car. Awesome... luckily we walked by a McDonald's so Maggs could get some chicken and fries... and a Madagascar toy. We got back to the house, I cleaned up and we went out to eat at Mama Kwan's Tiki Bar before mom and dad headed back up to NJ. The rest of us spent the next day and a half resting up, collecting shells and getting ready for the fun 15 hour ride back.

I am glad that it took me 3 weeks to finish this report... if I wrote it a week later I would have bitched even more about the heat, the lack of aid stations and bathrooms, that I was diasppointed in my time, etc. etc. But time heals all wounds and I look back on it as:

1. I had a bad stomach day ( it happens)

2. It was warm, in excess of 70. ( that happens too)

3. I did not train enough at the pace that I wanted to go.

I had plenty of miles logged, that was not the problem... on that day I could have run 50 miles, but I did not have enough time working at race pace or better to hold it for 26 miles. Lesson learned. In the end, I ran two marathons within 3 weeks in 3:53 and 3:58 repectively. Not too bad when put in perspective!
I am taking some time off, not running too much, doing a little light weights and eating what ever I feel like. In a few more weeks I will begin to train for my first 50 miler in May. I will keep you informed of any updates or fun that I may have until then.

Have a safe holiday and I will talk to you soon!


Monday, October 20, 2008

On the road again

The last few race reports have been dirty, off road, pissing on your foot adventures. This one has much more family appeal. I ran the Indianapolis Marathon on Saturday, and it will go down as one of our all time favorite races! We were lucky enough that our friends, the Wainman's allowed us to borrow their house. (One of the all time great acts of generosity) Especially considering your letting Maggie run loose in your house!

On Friday, after getting Jake out of school, going to Dick's to get our Dora and Diego costumes finalized, we headed over to the Expo to pick up my number at the YMCA. It was about 4:00 when we got to the house. The kids started to make signs, and we baked Rose's delicious Turkey Lasagna, her award winning dish! A couple scoops, then some Vanilla cupcakes from Trader Joe's and I was loaded like a champion for the race.

Tucking the kids into foreign surroundings was a little more a pain in the ass than desired, considering Jake decided to wig out because he wanted to run with me. After yelling at him did not work, we went with the reasoning approach... so now I have to find some race "online" that we can run in together. Eventually, he got to bed and I was able to settle down and watch one of my favorite pre-race movies, Saint Ralph.... If you have never seen it, I can't say I recommend it but if you are going to do a run, it is a nice little inspirational flick... Ralph is a troubled Canadian teenager, whose mother is in a coma. After trying to get a hard-on on the ropes at gym class, he falls, hits his head and has a vision that if he wins the Boston Marathon, it will be the miracle his mother needs! Like I said, inspirational stuff!

Some how I woke up on my own at 6, and got down stairs for my pre-race breakfast and other odd rituals... Pot of coffee (Starbucks; Ethiopia Sidamo), bagel with cream cheese and a banana; all the while drinking water and Gatorade. This was the first time I had my Earpod (Jake - does not think it make sense to call it an IPod) for a race, so I was able to listen to my eclectic mix of 12 year old girl music, Scott Ramalho Chevy Blazer mix, and Haddon Heights wrestling warm up songs. It was also helpful in that I really didn't listen to what the kids were saying, nice I know, but focus is key to getting ready to run 26.2 miles!

Again, I can't say enough about Polly and Paul handing over there house. It is literally on the course... I had a 1/4 mile to get to the starting line from their front door. I gave everyone a kiss and started heading out. It was a perfect day for a Marathon, high 40's through the 50's for most of the race, overcast with not too much wind. And the first few miles, showed that it was a good day to race. I was planning to use this race as my last long run before the OBX Marathon in North Carolina, but as the first few miles clicked off... 8:10, 8:23, 7:53 at the 5... I started to think that either today was a day to go after a personal best... or I would crash and burn magnificently over the last 4 miles! After seeing Rose and the kids at mile 5 we started to head our towards the army fort and through Fort Benjamin Harrison Park. At about mile 7 we were treated to seeing a special Indiana dignitary, our own Governor, Mitch Daniels... very good to see his eminence out on the course today, even if it is an election year and 4,000 registered voters are out there! But in all seriousness, it is cool to see someone like that cheering you on... celebrity spotting is my other hobby!

At mile 8 I saw my dentist... he's a good looking cat, kinda like a bald Mike Aldstodt (Purdue and Buccaneer fame). Of course, last time I was there I took Jake in , and he was like "Your Rose's husband".... nice -- we've gone there twice and he's on first name basis with my wife!!!! Anyway I was polite and yelled at him, startling him... I'll see him on Halloween, great day to get a teeth cleaning!

Back to the race... not much to really comment on physically wise from mile 5 to 12.... I mean, it takes me 5 miles to warm up... all the time thinking boy I feel like shit - though I am running at a good clip... then once you get in a groove, your ready to go... those 7 miles are so easy its not even worth commenting on... the only thing is in the State Park is where you hit some hills. They do not seem bad while you are going through, but they do start throwing crap in your legs for later in the race. One of the nice parts of this course is there are a lot of out and backs on the same roads, so you are able to see the race leaders. Being a sports junky, you get to see the race while you yourself compete, kinda like getting to follow a pro golf tournament while you play on the same course.... though you don't get to drive a cart and there are no hot dogs at the half way point.

Speaking of that halfway point we get to mile 12.5 were I meet up with Rose and the kids. I stop. Jake has my special Tiger Woods Drive Gatorade ready for me. Maggie is in the stroller looking ready for a nap. She shares some of her Graham crackers with me... Everyone looks in good spirits, which is a relief. Its not fun to have see your family having a shitty day, while your the idiot putting them there, so you can go off and shred every muscle in your legs for shits and giggles! I give everyone a kiss and tell Rose that I am a solid 10 minutes ahead of were I want to be. I am going to let it all hang out so I will either be near the finish in 3:4o or will get there anytime after in a pile of drool...

The half marathons are pretty popular out here, so 98% of the entrants run off to finish their race... the other 2% of us idiots head out for the always more fun 2nd half! We start heading past the fort golf course... I see a guy on his 2nd shot hit a nice iron about 10 feet from the pin. I yell out"nice shot, now go sink your birdie." Nothing... OK, Douche Bag! f - off I hope you 3 putt! Sorry for the expletive (but that's a current pet phrase for anyone that sucks!) Right about there a start to notice the change in mental outlook...(if you didn't notice). We aren't at mile 14 yet and it is getting harder. A short little chap starts talking to me about how many less people are now around. I shared a story from Louisville, where I was the only person making the turn to the full and how much it sucks to all of sudden have no crowds or anything, just another 13.1 miles. He goes on about something... I am really blocking him out just thinking about how much harder that mile was @ 8:22 pace. I think he realizes I am no longer responding, and I'm a foot ahead. he Say's " Well, looks like your taking off, good luck out there!" "Thanks" I say, not wanting to expend anymore energy on banal chit chat... (Shit, can you see how bitter, I am starting to get!)

Mile 15 I hit in 8:20... OK -- I can hang in there... its going to be a tough 11 miles, but I can hang I there... Break in the clouds both mentally and in the real world... the sun starts peaking out... it is a nice run along Fall Creek Road... you can see the leaders coming back again.. they are hitting mile 22 as I come up on 16. Must be nice to be fast.

Mile 17 I hit in 8:35 slowing down a little, but still in the area.. its getting harder but I keep the pace for the next three miles in under 9 minute miles. They say the marathon is 2 races; a 20 miler, then a 10K... the last 6.2 miles. The last race is the toughest race you can run. Here's were it started to come apart, I start getting the twinges in my legs.. cramping is coming on.. I am out of fuel... I had been eating my GU's, but inevitably the body only has enough energy to get anyone through about 20 miles of running... hence, why that last 6 is such a bitch! I starting gulping down the last couple I have... If you don't know what GU's are they are basically 150 Calories of a substance similar to Corn syrup, just a little more science behind it than Karo... plus they come in a bunch of flavors. I was going with chocolate today. I had been eating plain for a few years (which tastes like corn syrup) but now associate that taste with vomit. So chocolate it is! I also threw down a couple of Advil... hopefully they kick in the last 3 miles.
10:08, 10:50. 9:51 through 23... I am adjusting my stride thinking that if I run a different way it will alleviate the cramping... really this just make the other muscles start to cramp. Its really hard to remember, or simulate the pain of those last few miles... I guess that's why I have no problems getting ready to do this again in a few weeks... basically, I eeked on by this one... ran out of fuel, probably... no, definitely went out too fast and paid for it later, but I just have to remember that this was my last long "training" run. A little dumb for going too fast, but I am in relative good shape to finish training for North Carolina... the last mile I am just hoping that Rose and the kids made it... I make the last turn and see them waving... I cross over the the wrong side. With out hesitation I throw Jake next to me and grab Maggie. Jake was going to get run his race after all... We cross the line together in 3 hours 53 minutes and 49 seconds... 396th place out of 1,127.

Maggie puts on the medal and we meet up with Mommy... we take some pictures, I grab a Brat... Best post race meal ever! and walk the back the beautiful one block to the Wainman's.... nothing is better than that post race shower... especially when your nipples aren't bleeding!!!!

See you in the Outer Banks!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Germantown 50K Trail Run

I left the house at 5:40am... Two hours away, lay the tiny hamlet of Germantown, Ohio. I was preparing for the first of 3 marathon or better distances I would do in the 2nd half of the year. Today, I was going solo. Rose and the kids still in bed asleep, while daddy goes off and runs like an idiot in the woods. Eventually after finding a gas station that had humane restrooms, I grabbed a Red Bull and a PowerBar as my last course of breakfast. I got to the park without much fanfare, changing in the van. Soon enough 8:30 came around and 66 contestants started off on their 31 mile trek through a combination of the Five Rivers Park. The beginning of the race seemed a little warm up, just some ups and downs on cross country ski paths.

I was planning to adhere to a very strict gameplan of running 25 minutes and then walking 5. I have been doing this for my long runs and had already done a 30 mile run in July using this plan. The idea is, you allow other muscles to work while giving the ones you use running a chance to regroup. After the first 25 I really didn't want to stop, but knowing how bad I have crashed in the past and knowing how hot it would get, I thought it the wiser to stick to the plan.

The trail quickly got rockier and very "rooty". They had just cleared some of the trail we were on and there will still little stumps all over the place... I tripped over one, somehow was able to tense up my whole body and keep myself from crashing... good save!

At about mile 10 I started getting some sharp blister type pains right where my socks end. They were a new pair, the kind that I always run in ... Goes to prove, "never run a race with something new" Well, being that they were new, they moved around alittle more than ones that are worn... combine that with grit and mud and I started getting blisters that felt like someone was cutting my Achilles with piano wire...nothing that makes you want to quit, but sure make you want to kick the SOB doing it. I quickly took off my shoes, pulled my socks tight and got going again. They really didn't bug me again, till I took a shower that night!

I kept with the schedule and found that I would pass a bunch of people, then at my walk break they would catch back up... eventually I got enough distance on them that I never saw them again, this continued for the whole race... there was one woman who seemed a little pisst with my system. Seems everytime I caught up to her, it was on the "gnarliest" (her word) parts of the trail... I mean she didn't seem real mad, but I guess I would get annoyed if I had some 200lb. shithead running up my ass as I went down a steep rocky slope... well, I passed her at mile 15 for the last time.

Along with my run/walk plan, my nutrition plan was pretty simple, a GU every 45 minutes, carry water and Gatorade and eat a little along the way... at the mile 16 stop I got a couple halves of peanut butter and jelly. Its crazy but you find that after running that far you don't give a shit that the sandwich you are eating has one of the end slices of bread... yup, the one that usually goes to the ducks.... you just look at it and say, "Hopefully, it has more calories!" I washed it down with a little flat coke, refilled my water and Gatorade bottle and got moving.... best not to fall in love with aid stations, very easy to stay there.

About a mile later I was pleased with the fact that I had to urinate... a good sign that I was staying hydrated. so i cozied up to a tree and did my business, pale yellow, like lemonade, perfect!.... Unfortunately, my aim was a little bad and I realized I peed right on my shoe... oh, well, that will come out in the wash!

Four miles later I start hitting some rough patches... some paved sections out in the sun... some more of the cross country ski paths... the sameness of the terrain and the fatigue got my quads locking up. A cramp right in the muscle just above my knee.. Nothing new... just now I know I'll be fighting an energy deficit for the next 2 and half hours. I quickly down another GU, chase it with some Gatorade and pop 2 Advil... That gets me into the next aid station, I caught another runner there, but looks like he would not be in the hunt anymore... he evidently had lost his hearing out on the course.... that must suck! Nothing like whole body functions that seem to have no relation, breaking down on you.

I was amazed at how my walking seemed to get faster through the day, like I was catching some guys while they were trying to run... and then when it was time for me to pick it up again, I blew past them... not that I am fast or anything... but it was a great feeling to be catching people at the end of a race, as opposed to the other way around. I felt like an ancient hunter, stalking my prey, over the course of 30 miles till the point of their exhaustion, where I then rip out their heart! (Picture bare feet, loincloths, and PB&J!)

Finally the run came to a conclusion, I got to the finish line, got my Pint Glass and a button down race shirt ( nice change of pace)... I grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and hit the road. I got home at 5 and we all went out for Dairy Queen... (Very big in Indiana, pretty much the only place to get ice cream.)

In conclusion, I did the 31 miles in 6:17 coming in 22nd place out of 66... That would be 12:08 min/mile. Considering I walked at least 10 minutes of every hour, I a pretty happy with covering 5 miles an hour on that type of terrain! Pretty good for a fat guy! (Though I was thinking many times along the way that these things would be easier if I lost 15 pounds. Pretty sore right now... with good amount of pain in my right hip...must be my pelvic alignment, or out-of alignment, whatever the case may be. I also think I peed blood this afternoon, but I'm sure that will pass... If I don't post anything else, mark October 18th as the next big race... I'll keep you posted!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Clinton lake 30 Miler in the Books!

The whole family went out 2 hours west in to Illinois for the Clinton Lake 30 Mile trail run. We stayed in Champaign, right by the University. After picking up my race number and a new jibiitz for Jake's Crocs (a walrus) we went into Subway and got some Jared Meals. I actually had 2 knowing I was getting ready to run for at least 6 hours in the morning. We hung out at the hotel for a little bit, then realizing that we didn't bring a stroller, we hoped in the car to hit the local plaza... of course Jake was hungry, and Maggie was in the back, "Numa, Numa". Maggie speak for "Stop at McDonald's". So Rose dropped me off at the MickyD's playplace where the kids split some nuggets and burned off the last of there energy. We got back to the hotel, watched the end of the NCAA games and went to bed.

Wake up at 5:30 central, with the kids and start making breakfast in the room. I of course brought my own coffee pot and toaster, as I do at all races that I travel for... I mean -- you can count on so little when you try this shit, at the very least I know I will have good coffee and a properly toasted bagel! This time I also brought some slabs of cinnamon toast, Jake's new favorite and we sat around and watched the Wiggles until it was time to go.

The course was 30 minutes from the hotel, so I timed it that we'd get there just before the start... nothing like timing... As I park, Maggie starts puking -- I mean the white curded kind, like a fountain for 30 seconds... So now, right before the start of the race ,we have to strip here down, clean her up, and decide whether I am even going to start.... Rose insists that I run. (Bless her) because she will now be driving back and forth around Illinois with a sick kid and another kid whining and crying cause he wants to see his Dad run through the woods like an idiot! So we get started, Rose and the kids wave goodbye, except Maggie starts crying cause I'm leaving....

Onto the trails... It was mentioned before the start of the race that this was the furthest south that the Wisconsin Glacier came.... so i guess that means that there is some seriously torn up earth. Well, there was.... in the euphoria of starting a race like this, you get sucked into how cool it is, how great the trail is, but in a few minutes those thought change to "Oh shit, I have to do this 3 times!!!! That hill will not be as much fun the last time around. " First loop I tried to run as I felt, early going took some warming up, but after the first check point at mile five, I felt good, had some room on the trail so I decided to pick it up a little, in a race like this - I felt like there's no need to conserve energy, I'm going to feel crappy at some point anyway! I knew Rose wouldn't be at the second checkpoint 10 miles in, 1. cause I know she probably wanted to take it easy with Maggie at the hotel, and 2. If Maggie was better they would probably go somewhere, anywhere other than hanging out at a park for 2 hours more than she needed to.

At 1o miles, I decided a banana, some cheese-its and some peanut M&M's would be good, plus a refill of my water and Powerade and I was back on the trail. I caught up with some people and we formed a pack. That made the next 5 miles seem pretty easy, too easy.... mile 16 was the start of some leg cramping... way too early for that, and the hills weren't getting any easier.

I was crashing pretty hard. Every so often, the trees would be marked by white squares to let you know you were still on the path. I kept tricking myself to go to the next square... "you can take a walk break once you get there," but I would keep going. Eventually, the 2nd looped ended, 20 miles in. I had called Rose and seemed like Maggie wasn't doing better... this was losing fun quickly! Going to the next rest stop I knew I needed to seriously refuel. Some water, some salt tablets, some chips-ahoy. Are those sugar cookies? Yeah, some one's mom made them.... these Ultra races are alright! So I took like 12 of them and wolfed em down. That ended up not being that good of an idea. it took me about 3 miles just to feel like I wasn't going to explode.... I walked it off for a while, and even tried to call my dad. he didn't answer, and of course his mailbox was full. The pain in my legs was starting to get pretty tough as well -- there was no even terrain to ever rest on... it literally was up or down the whole way. I tried to sing some songs to myself, hoping that the final rest stop would arrive.

Luckily my stomach was better by the time I got there. Cause burgers were on the grill... after 25 miles, the burger actually really tasted good.... since they had pizza I took a slice for the road, along with a few cups of soda. The last five miles actually went by pretty fast, I caught my second wind and starting to pick some people off at the end. I really was hoping Jake would be waiting in the parking lot-- I had been thinking about getting close to the line and running across with him, of course he was asleep. Maggie and Rose were waiting for me, we went across the line... 6 hours and 27 minutes. the winner came in just about 4 hours... on that terrain, that's superhuman!

Jake woke up, I got washed up and we watched others finish up. Hopefully, next time I try one of these crazy races, either everyone is healthy, or someone comes out to hang out with Rose! You are all welcome to come!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Buffalo Calf Woman Revisited

Got out to North Dakota this week. God that it far. It looks just like what you picture when you think aboot where NHL players come from. Grasslands, Silos, open fields, lakes that freeze and Buffalo....
I stayed in Jamestown, ND, the Buffalo City... on my trail run I ran into an Albino buffalo, yes - white buffalo calf woman who gave the scared pipe to the Lakota, or Ogalala Sioux, or something like that.

The buffalo's name was "White Cloud" who gave birth to yet another white Buffalo, which is said to be a mathematical impossibility... so the calf named "Dakota Thunder" is better known as the Dakota Miracle... I was so moved when I saw it, that I wept. OK - not really but I did have conversation with a mother protecting its baby, it didn't like me talking to her, or being near her calf so she kept grunting at me, and looking like she was going to charge through the fence. So I headed back to the hotel and went out for a Bison Burger. Delicious!

The run was real good. Had to "post hole" through like 4 feet of snow at time, but it was 50 degrees out and there was a real nice 5K trail that ran along where the buffalo heard was kept. That's where i got to see the world's largest buffalo. Amazing. so next time you get to ND, be sure to hit Jamestown!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rocky Mountain High, with no Criminal Acts against me!

Well I got back to Colorado for the redemption trip. No one broke into my car and stole my wallet so you have to call it a success. of course it snowed, it has snowed every where I have gone this winter.

Got to take a trip down to Colorado Springs. Now that looks like a place to chill out for a month or so. I ran for an hour and a half at Garden of the Gods. it is set right at the foothills of Pikes Peak. (14,110 ft.) Pretty Damn high, I looked it up, it would be like stacking 14 World trade centers on top of each other. And there is a marathon that goes to the top and back.... you need a 3:45 to qualify. I may never make Boston, but this would be one cool race to try to get into! I'll try for that at the OBX Marathon in November.

So i ran around the trails at GOG, the mountain was "socked in" or "socked over", not sure what the guy said, but basically you couldn't see the top cause of cloud cover. Along the way I almost ran into a 12 point deer, I must have snuck up on him cause he was only like 5 feet away. I thought about chasing after him, but decided, just in case a mountain lion was hunting him, i would stay out of the way.

The next day I flew to El Paso, TX. Like a poorman's Phoenix! I love it. UTEP and the Sunbowl look cool. the taco stand was great and there looks like some cool mountain trails if could have just figured out how to get to the entrance in the picture! Maybe next time.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Arkansas. Never thought I'd be here!

Couple weeks ago I meet my dealer in Little Rock. Once the meeting was over I booked to Pinnacle Mountain state Park. What I real pretty place, I'm thinking about moving!

Ran to the top of the mountain, over 1000 foot climb. then on the way back down I got onto the Oachita Trail. I believe this was part of the Trail of Tears that the Indians took out to Oklahoma. The trail sign said that it is 200 miles of uninterrupted trail from Ark. to OK. of course, I go 5 miles and run into a the hell am I supposed to run to Oklahoma. Oh well.

I had a great post run meal of Powerade, Bit'o Honey and a piece of fried catfish... all this for just $4.37. The catfish was perfectly seasoned and wrapped in newspaper. Classy! You can get so much at Gas stations in Little Rock. Just another reason to move!

Catch - Up, !Hola, Que Tal!

Well another two months have gone by without me updating... I need to start doing a quick weekly take so this doesn't get so behind.

Anyway, this is a shot of the beach that I ran on during our Dealer meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. it was a great 18 mile run (trudge) though the beach and up into that mountain range. there i took some pictures of some cows as well as got to use my High School spanish to order some "aqua" from a taqueria vendor along the way back. Thank God I had a dollar other wise I may have passed in a back alley in Mexico!