Specificity: : the quality or condition of being specific: as a : the condition of being peculiar to a particular individual or group of organisms.
It's a terrible cliche' to use the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to talk about a word because you don't have the clear ability to use your own words to explain it. Alas, I love cliches'. I am training for the Strolling Jim 40 Miler in Tennessee. At least I think I am. I have not signed up yet, cause I am not sure if it is going to be 100% feasible with all that is going on. But I will train likes its going to happen. Which leads to specificity. It makes logical sense that what ever race you are going to do, to do training that will simulate the conditions and terrain that you will face on race day. I am still not certain this makes any difference whatsoever. I think of Hendrik Ramaala winner of the 2004 NYC Marathon, who used to train on the same
flat one mile loop in a park in Johannesburg South Africa. So it begs the question, "what really makes a difference?" Specific or not, what do you have to do, to get your mind made up that you are going to go out and "let it rip", and see how it turns out. That's part of the joy of the Weekend Warrior!
The Strolling Jim, while it is actually on roads, not trails, is know for its constant uphill, downhill, the kind that you do not find in pancake-flat Indianapolis. The one hill in Upper Arden and the incline at Marrot Park are probably equivalent to the lightest climb. But it will have to do. Besides the mild elevations, the other things I can add to the training, is speed and more miles... and of course getting down to racing weight. (That's a big issue right now)
I actually went to see a dietitian. I think that got me more mad, and made me eat more. My training has been real good, but the sugar addiction is pretty ridiculous. Not to look for excuses, but I will anyway, but the new job transition, a lot more travel, and the impending move to Arizona is leading to some pretty mindless eating. Frankly, fast food tastes good, jellybeans and ice cream taste good... and if my company is going to pay for me to eat a Cheesesteak and Ben Jerry's when I am on the road... then damn skippy I am not going to get brown rice and steamed vegetables. Vicious circle, it is! No clear answers, just the same old suggestions you can look up on-line everyday. Maybe I need hypno-therapy. We'll try that next month! 

Now onto race results. In spite of my extra fluff, I ran a personal best in a Marathon this past weekend. I came in 7Th (out of 74, which is crazy and awesome) in a time of 3:39:23! And even more crazy is I won my age group 31-39.... that will probably never happen again...so we'll take it! More importantly, a major goal has been hit. I have wanted to get below 3:40 for about 3 years now, and I finally did it a the Circular Logic Marathon in West Lafayette, IN. I was just looking to do this as "some training miles". But the race director was a real nice guy. He sent me an email saying that he read my blog, and that his daughter-in-law went to Rutgers, too. Small world. So anyway, I am not sure why, just being shown some human kindness maybe, but I felt like I needed to go out and do my best for him, and myself. I went out an ran 8:10 to 8:20 miles the first 23 or so, then started to wither on miles 24 and 25 with about 8:45's... basically I needed to run a sub 9 minute mile to come in below. So I "sacked up" and ran the toughest 8:38 mile of my life. My left foot felt like the flesh was ripping off, which it wasn't, my guts felt like they were pouring out, which they certainly were not.... yet I flew into the finish just as the Who's Babba O'Reilly was beating in my ear. I least I felt like I was flying. I sure it looked pretty pedestrian, but the high of really "letting it rip" and having it pay off, was so worth it.
A note on the move... Yay, I got a promotion. But we are moving to Arizona for it! Looks like it will be around the first week in July. If you had talked to me 12 years ago, when Rose I just got married, it was a dream to move there. It's funny or not funny depending on how you look at it, how the Almighty Universal Power can take its time answering you. It is not going to be easy, the Fine's have done well in Indiana. (Can't believe it, but I may cry when I hear "Back Home Again"... before the 500!) But I think something special lies waiting in the Desert for us. I am not sure what..... but there is something good. I feel it in my whole person. As for running, keep it on the down low, cause Rose will read this... but the trails are going to be pretty awesome, too!