It is hard to sum up what something has meant to you, that has been in your life for almost a decade. It has been with me since I was married... it has been there for job changes, before the big presentation. It has been an integral part of family gatherings, making wicked brew that some appreciate.. while others run and questions their man or womanhood. It has been there for the birth of both my children... while late night feedings occurred, and I asked God to give me the power to get through the day, my yellow Braun Coffee Pot was there. It was practically part of the family, the way a good pet was always there. To the point that Maggie, did an impersonation of it... "SSSSSHHHHHH".. and if you ask her to this day how does coffee go, she will make the same sweet sound!
Jake, me and the Coffee Pot making Christmas Cookies, 2007
It has brewed premium beans from around the world, from the strong pungent blends of Africa, to the spicy mixes of Indonesia. It enjoyed the velvety, almost buttery quality of the grinds of Puerto Rico.... it even chugged out a few pots of decaf for my parents... bless your heart, and I'm sorry for that!
We bought you at a Home Goods store in Parsippany, New Jersey. You matched the sunflower canisters that we had for our apartment in Cherry Hill. You made the move to our first house in Barrington and you clashed horribly with the terrible wallpaper... but never a thought of replacing you! You made the bold trip to Indianapolis, and blended nicely with the warm yellow of the kitchen.
You even traveled to races... Baltimore, Red Bank, Louisville, Chicago... you were there to give me the caffeinated energy I needed! I thank you for your years of service, and for all the cups of joy you served for just $.006 a day, the best Return on Investment I will ever have in my life!
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