Sunday, March 7, 2010

KFine's 2010 Racing Schedule

Now that the 2010 Racing year is starting to kick-off, its time to post my Official Racing commitments! Hope to see you out there racing, or if not, you can at least be an athletic supporter!!

March 14, 2010 - 2nd Annual Jordan YMCA Indoor Triathlon Race

Yes, its my 10th anniversary weekend, but Rose said I could. Starting the season with a little twist. 15 minute swim, 20 minute bike and 15 minute run. I have not been on a bike, and I have been in a pool once this year, but I could swim for 15 minutes, so it shouldn't be a complete mess!

March 20, 2010 - Holliday Park Trail Race

One of our favorite races right through my backyard... I can jog to the start! Also Jake will be running in the trail run Mile and Maggie will be back to defend her crown in the 3 year old division. Not sure if she will be dressed as an animal, but we'll try!

May 15, 2010 - Dances with Dirt 50K Gnawbone, IN

Returning this year to do the sprint division 50K/31 miles. Beautiful day in Brown County State Park, anyone that comes down, I'll buy you an early supper!
July 3, 2010 - The Inaugural KFine FatAss Racing, Tour de Naptown, Indianapolis, IN

For my birthday I am holding a great 24 mile race connecting all the major greenway trails of Indy. We will start from my house go on the Canal Tow path, hook up with the White River Trail, cut across Downtown via the new Cultural Trail then the home stretch back up the Monon and over to my house. Pancake Brunch for all participants... might get a shirt too! Relay Teams are welcome, but you'll have to wait for me to finish to get your pancakes!

September 18, 2010 IrishFest - The Kilted Mile, Indianapolis, IN

One mile in a skirt! This year I am going to train for it and NOT eat a bowl of Irish Stew before hand! Then I'm getting drunk! (Fair Warning)

October 10, 2010 - Steamtown Marathon, Scranton, PA

After running the Philly Marathon last year, I can't say I was disappointed, cause I did my best, and that left me as a big pile of road kill... so I have an itch to put together a real good Marathon. All roads lead to lovely Scranton were the course has a 900 foot decent. One of the fastest marathons in the country, and a great Train museum for afterwards.
Of course, KFine FatAss Racing will present the 2nd Annual Holliday Fatass 20 Mile Trail Race, but dates are subject to change. Again, going to be a great season, see you on the Trails!